I've been finding it hard to write this blog lately. It's not that I don't want to - I do! But, we have been working so diligently in class on deep understandings of numbers, that I don't have many intriguing stories to tell. They are all intriguing to me, as everything that comes out of every student's mouth is a treasure trove of assessment-worthy detail, but for you, dear Reader, probably not.
What is important to share is just how much TIME has been dedicated to number sense. It is now October 20th, and we have focused on that one strand until now. I needed to know that these kids really KNEW their numbers. So often, we gloss over it, and wonder why later everything is not working quite well enough. I have cleverly layered in skill after skill, which will now be used, starting Monday, to build an arsenal of strategies in every other strand.
We have learned how to represent numbers, build numbers and know numbers. We have learned how to explain how numbers are bigger or smaller. We have learned to order them. We've learned to compare them, not just saying that they are greater than or less than, but by identifying things like their digits, their worth and value using base tens or columns, and have found incredible differences and similarities between even the strangest pairs of numbers.
Tomorrow, we will measure everyone. Then, we'll work with those numbers for the rest of the week.
Great, deep, rich understanding takes time. I am determined to give it to them this year. Not ready to move on? Then we aren't - because it would be a shame to say "Okay, we're moving on even though you don't know about the tens and hundreds, and I now expect you to add up the perimeters of things beyond 10!"
In our understanding of numbers, we've also explored patterns. They are finding them everywhere. Yet everyday, I have changed very little in the activities. I have modelled, we have shared, and they have thought.
And so, we began "At-Home-Practice." I'll be frank here - I don't really care about homework all that much. I do believe that practicing at home is a great way to cement their understanding. But, I also believe that it becomes a fight, rather than a learning opportunity, in many cases. Parents didn't learn like this, and that is okay! If I wasn't in teaching, I wouldn't have a clue what this stuff meant. I don't expect them to. Which is why I have worried about homework for so long. I chose to send home practice questions similar to - but easier than - what we've done in class. Four a week, due back on Monday instead of Friday, in case they wanted extra time. I will not be assessing this. I know what they can do based on class work. But, it is also important that their parents know what they are up to in class. In order to smooth things over and make sure that understanding was easily attained, I started the creation of a series of videos, where I have modelled what we've done in class. Have a look, and share if you're so inclined! Feel free to use them with your own parents, kids or students.
This link will take you to the At-Home-Practice Playlist!