Today, I want to focus on intentional flexibility, rather than something in particular that has happened in our learning environment. Intentional flexibility is the combination of careful, curriculum and research based planning, alongside the ability to know where you're coming from and where you would like to go, so that you can bend when it is needed.
I see this all the time: a student tackles a problem in a completely different way than I ever would have, and therefore I missed the option when I was working through the problem myself. In doing this, the student goes off on some other tangent. You know what? That is OKAY! Just because it isn't what I would have done, doesn't make it wrong. In fact, if the links that they are seeing are logical, then I believe it is my role to facilitate, understand and encourage the connections made. So I was trying to get them to work on fractions, but they skipped over that and worked on something else, that still gives them a logical answer? No problem. Tomorrow, I'll bring it back, or maybe I won't. Maybe what they did was so genius, I will just go that way with the rest of the group, and we'll come back to fractions when the time is right.
When the time is right? Yes. I know, we are strictly bound by the curriculum and the school calendar. Our report card marks and comments are completed by early June. That leaves us with a few weeks to "fill in the blanks." I remember sitting in a staff room one year and hearing a colleague say at the end of May, "Well, I finished the text book. I guess we just won't do math now!" They were proud of themselves! Where is the intentional flexibility? There is none in text books.
My nose is in my curriculum document all of the time. Almost every day, I look at it. I have learned to flip back and forth and find the links that make sense between "strands" or "units." Units are our worst enemy, by the way. In being intentionally flexible, I can jump back and forth between strands and hammer out a load of them, while giving students meaningful, real learning experiences. I'm not saying I have it down to a perfect art - no one ever could - but what I am saying is that I allow for logical connections between strands in order to "layer" expectations and spend more time on problems.
I am intentional in my communication with students. I rarely say whether or not a student is right or wrong. I don't often point out errors, but I am flexible in this: if a student is having a misconception or is completely halted, I can communicate with my students carefully in order to guide them, without leading them.
I am intentional when I assess. And I assess all the time. Every pencil mark, every dialogue, every consolidation - it's all assessment. I am flexible in how I look at what I'm given. It is difficult to explain, as it is an intuitive science rather than an exact science, but my assessment aligns with curriculum standards, while at the same time allows me to determine what I need to explicitly teach, who I need to work with beyond the whole-group setting, and what my next steps are.
I don't have a teacher desk. It is intentional. It allows me to be flexible in where I am and what I am doing at every point throughout the day.
They're so happy! It's because they enjoy working collaboratively, on hard questions, and make lots of mistakes, but learn the whole time. |
I may stop a lesson to teach a concept. I may bring them together to consolidate at the end of the problem solving. I may stop a more formal assessment altogether if I know in the moment that they're just not ready. I know my students, I know my curriculum, and because of that, I can be intentional and flexible.
I do make plans each week. I have a list of questions, and see a flow through them as they build on the prior learning experiences. I make notes as to where I believe lessons will need to be introduced. However, I follow my students instead of my plans. I will tweak the questions, revise the lesson time, and extend the class time permitted depending on what they need. It is intentional to start, but moves flexibly.
Intentional flexibility - it's the next big thing!
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